Reflection 6: Speaker Session

Microsoft Office 365 Tools Hello everyone! It's week 7 already. *Time flies* Alright, the lecture this week was conducted by Ms. Fairuz, who is a Microsoft representative. She taught us a lot information by using Microsoft Office 365 tools which include Mail, Sway, OneDrive, Yammer and more. Microsoft Office 365 tools has numerous applications as shown in the picture above. Ms. Fairuz was only manageable to cover some of them due to the limit of time. Firstly, she gave a talk and simple briefing about Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and Excel. She taught us on how to create and sharing files among our teachers and friends. I found it easier if we do it in this way for our group assignment as not all the students have the same lecture time. In other word, students might be panic and worry when they heard 'group coursework' as many of us found out that it is hard to coordinate with every group members' time. After the briefing Ms. Fairuz given, I found out that it...